Valencia Waffle
Painting by Thomas Hope
In addition to Mini Rex rabbits I collect one pattern of Early American Pattern Glass (EAPG) called Valencia Waffle. This pattern was originally made by Adams Glass in Ohio from 1885 to 1890 when US Glass took over the pattern and continued producing it until 1895. I have managed to assemble a collection of representative pieces in all 4 colors and clear. The colors produced were Amber, a sweet honey brown with golden tones. Blue a mild clear sky blue. Apple Green, a light green that will fluoresce a bright yellow green when held under a " Black Light ". And Canary (also called Vaseline) a cheerful yellow that glows green in sunlight and fluoresces brightly under " Black Light ". The Green and Canary both contain a little Uranium to give the color and fluorescence. Since the pattern has never been reproduced it is comforting to know that when you do see a rare piece you know that it is the real thing and not a modern copy. These were made inexpensively over 100 years ago to use everyday, so expect to see small chips and flakes. Few pieces are as they were the day they were made, they reflect the use and care they received over the past 125 years.
Check out the EAPG web site to learn more about collecting antique patterned glass, the varieties are endless and some are extremely rare and expensive.
Check your Grandmother's curio cabinet you never know there maybe a rare item that you just thought was an old glass dish or pitcher. Take the time to learn you may discover a new hobby.
I am looking to fill some gaps in the collection, if you have or know someone with Blue, Green or Canary Valencia Waffle pieces to sell please contact me. Time to let some of these piece go. For Sale all of the Clear and Amber pieces, contact me if you are intetested in either the CLEAR or AMBER pieces. .
Valencia Waffle Pitchers in Amber.
There are four sizes in all, though no reference book that I have seen makes any reference to the existence of two sizes of Cream Pitchers. Note the small pitcher has 4 rows of pattern while the large Cream has 5 rows of pattern. The small creamer was probably part of the sugar and creamer set.
Valencia Waffle Water Pitcher in Canary
Part of my collection of Apple Green and Canary pieces, including a very rare Lamp in Apple Green. I have never seen any reference to a lamp in print yet I have this stunning Apple Green and a Clear lamp with a painted milk Glass insert for the base. Look to the left of the page and you will find both lamps.
7 inch low standard compote with lid. Here we show the two different side patterns that set Valencia Waffle apart from the ordinary
9 inch True open compote. Note that the base and bowl show the alternating patterns and the fancy top edge. Considered scare in colors.
Master Salt Small Cream Pitcher
Canary Water Tray, these are considered scarce
Water Pitcher. Very Impressive in the deep Canary color with natural light bringing up the green flashes.
5 inch high Standard compote Butter dish
Compote Lid Butter Lid
Butters are often confused with compotes, note the straighter sides and detail in the butter lid
Green Sugar Green Spooner
Sugars with out lids are often confused with the Spooner.
Sugar is 4 inches across while the spooner is only 3 1/4 inches across
 Sugar lid with detail. 
Celery, Spooner, Sugar , Master Salt and Salt shaker.
A variety of Sauce and Relish dishes with a Master Salt for size reference.
Blue 4 inch flat and footed sauces, 7 inch blue and green relish dishes , 4 inch Green and 3 1/2 inch Canary ***footed sauce dish.
*** unrecorded size.
Two Clear oblong relish , 7 inch Amber inch relish and Amber Pickle dish
Pickle Jars and Amber Pickle dish. Lid to jar displays the block and Star pattern on top and plain sides.
A new find ! Just when I thought I would never find one of the 4 inch sauce dishes in Canary I found 3 Canary sauce dishes in a local antique mall. At the time they seemed a bit small but without a ruler in my pocket to check I just assumed that it was my imagination. When we returned home we found that these "new" dishes were only 3 1/2 inches across. Dainty with outstanding definition and fine wear to the base I can fine no reference to a sauce or berry bowl in this size. The photos above show one of the little Canary sauce dish and one of my 4 inch Apple Green Sauce dishes. As you can see the Canary dish is considerably smaller. It is also pictured with a group of different sizes of Low Standard compotes ( 8, 7, 5, 4 and 3.5 inches). I have High Standard compotes in 8, 7, 6, and 5 inches which only makes sense that there is also a low standard compote in the 6 inch size.
A pair of Salt shakers in Blue with original lids and original "Richardson Agitator".
Goblets , master Salts and salt shakers (oops I forgot the amber one)
Syrup Pitchers in all Varieties
Green Cake Stand
Blue Open Compote
Rarely seen Canary Pickle jar
in an Antique Castor Frame. Details of the Frame below
When I first obtained this it was covered in brass colored paint. An expert restorer removed the paint to reveal lovely details and the original guilding on the wings.
Lamps in any pattern of Early American Glass are scarce at best. No book that I have seen or referenced mention the existence of lamps in Valencia Waffle Below are three Lamp that I have acquired over the years. No question about the pattern elements in the font , clearly the Block and Star portion of Valencia Waffle . The bases vary from a nice Valencia Waffle pattern base to typical painted Milk Glass bases found in many lamps of the period.
Each has been fitted with a period burner and chimney.
The new addition is a Vaseline lamp with Black Glass base and a mixture of brass and Copper fittings. Here the font is in the Hexagon portion of the Valencia Waffle pattern with a pressed diamond insert.. c 1891 . Stunning.
A fifth lamp is unusual in that it is a solid glass lamp with a Block and Star font and an unusual base. Lamps in Canary are very hard to find and one must do battle with several groups of collectors to secure them for their collection. Lamp collectors, Vaseline Glass collectors, and EAPG collectors all prize these lamps highly.